Soul-Lee Native Flora

Visits by appointment only Thursday to Sunday 9:00 to 4:00

Please phone, email or text if wanting to visit. 0422 452 132

I sell the plants in 50mm tubes, 70mm square squat pots, 90mm square pots and 140mm pots. Cash, Cheque, Bank Transfer or Eftpos for purchases over $20.00 (Visa, MasterCard and chip cards)

I do not generally deal in cultivated or hybridised Grevillea, Melaleuca (Callistemon) or Syzygium genus, However there are sometimes unusual ones purchased for resale.
Most of the plants I sell are not usually found in the general nurseries and are suitable for SE Qld conditions.

I grow from seed, cuttings and ‘buy in’ tubes for resale. Plants which are grown from seed are from cultivated plants of known local provenance, or from in ground stock. Wild plant seeds are collected with landowners permission.

Plant stock purchased for resale are sourced from growers in SE Qld. and Northern NSW (Brisbane, Malaney and Tenterfield) Plants grown from cuttings are from my own stock plants or garden.

Some Northern Qld species and bush food plants are available from time to time.

All plants are sun hardened before being sold. (except for shade and under story plants) Nursery stock is watered using tank water when possible. No toxic chemicals are used in the main nursery.


Notelaea x ipsviciensis